Jo&Margot | Privacy Policy
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Go Eyewear Italy Srl appreciates your interest in the company and its products. In addition, it is committed to protecting the privacy of customers accessing the website by providing users with information about collecting anonymous and personal data in the following ways.

In compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, Go Eyewear Italy Srl provides you with the necessary information regarding the purposes and methods of processing your personal data, as well as the scope of communication and dissemination of the same, the nature of the data held by Go Eyewear Srl and their contribution.


Collection of anonymous data
The user can visit without providing personal information. However, the site server automatically collects the user information at the time of access (hereinafter “web server log”). Specifically, the web server automatically records some information such as IP address, date and time of visit, sub-pages visited, pages previously visited, browser and operating system in use, domain name and the address of the user’s Internet provider. If one of the web pages uses cookies, they are also stored by the web server.


Collection and processing of personal data
Go Eyewear Italy Srl stores (except for “web server logs”) the data of the user only if such information is voluntarily provided to use one of the services (e.g. ordering information material, product processes, partner programs, request information). Such data are processed and / or used exclusively for providing the relevant service. Where it is necessary to provide the user with a particular service, the collected data may also be forwarded to Go Eyewear Group companies.
Whenever necessary, Go Eyewear Italy Srl may be responsible for delivering the service directly (e.g. by sending information material, providing technical solutions). These vendors are also required to comply with the applicable legal provisions on personal data protection and are obliged by Go Eyewear Italy Srl to protect the user’s data and to ensure that they are not disclosed to unauthorized parties and that they are protected under of law.

Your personal data will not be sent to any third party.